Archive for jenga

Dread – The Secrets of the Jungle

Posted in Actual Play, First 100, Podcasts with tags , on 8 August 2015 by Mawdrigen

Episode 74

Missing members of the Cthulhu team we decided to run Dread (the game with the Jenga Tower). Follow Margo the Star Chile, Sonia, and John as they head into the Jungle of Cesca De La Amazonias with Buffalo Bills Jungle Treks.

What could possibly go horribly wrong with that.

Oh right. Everything.

Sound Effects by Syrinscape.

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Please let us know what you think either here, at, or @Cultteaanddice if you want to give us any Feedback, please also feel free to leave us reviews on Itunes

This Podcast is Explicit and contains a loopy Archive, spiders descending from ceilings, the clatter of Jenga Blocks, Super Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Mawdrigen Continues to fail to be able to do accents that shortly before he could absolutely do…

There is a minor sound issue on this Recording in that there were “Weird Chanting Children” outside for most of it, and the noise removal to take their demented chanting out of the recording has left a few artefacts.

You think I am joking… I’m REALLY not.

Dread The Lament of the 412

Posted in Actual Play, First 100, Podcasts with tags , , on 26 July 2013 by Mawdrigen

Episode 6

The Space Explorations Vessel 412 has been taken off course by its AI Janus, and the crew are awoken to find out what is going on. Does the shadowy corporate backer actually have their best interests in mind? Why does the Captain keep popping pills and taking deep breaths? What does the medic think he is up to.

Find out in Lament of the 412, brought to you by the rather excellent Dread role-playing game, the game that uses the Jenga tower for task resolution!

download the file

NB: This podcast contains swearing, and also themes of an adult nature. Any similarities to films should be considered Fair Usage and all copyrights and trademarks remain the sole property of their respective owners.